Maharudram 2017 Pledge form

With the Blessings of our Acharyas, Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Foundation is now in the planning phase of the upcoming MahaRudram.function, to be held June 9-11. We are actively engaged in recruiting volunteers, fund-raising and planning for the function.

Given the fact that we have 90 days to go, we are now at a critical point where we need to secure commitment/pledge on financial support from core devotees like yourselves before we move forward. Hence, it is critical that you all respond to this short survey within the next 2-3 days. We also take this as an opportunity to request you to be liberal in your support to make it a successful and memorable event.

With acharyas blessings, we hope to receive positive feedback for us to move to the next phase. On behalf of KKSF, our thanks in advance for your support.

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